survival_23-10-10 justreade2.txt (1-99) ⌬ 블루티쳐영어
25년 01월 09일
Apologies often fail. One reason apologies fail is that the "offender" and the "victim" usually see the event differently. Examining personal narratives, researchers have found that those who cause harm tend to minimize the offense ― probably to protect themselves from shame and guilt. They also tend to downplay the consequences of their actions. These tendencies can inflame the anger of the hurt person, who, in contrast, may see an offense as bigger than it really is. Those who are hurt tend to see the act as one with severe consequences and as part of an ongoing pattern that is inexcusable and immoral. Each person has his or her own truth, and there is distortion on both sides. Therefore, to apologize sincerely we must first listen attentively to how the other person really feels about what happened ― not simply assert what we think happened. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
Oxygen is what it is all about. Ironically, the stuff that gives us life eventually kills it. The ultimate life force lies in tiny cellular factories of energy, called mitochondria, that burn nearly all the oxygen we breathe in. But breathing has a price. The combustion of oxygen that keeps us alive and active sends out by-products called oxygen free radicals. They have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde characteristics. On the one hand, they help guarantee our survival. For example, when the body mobilizes to fight off infectious agents, it generates a burst of free radicals to destroy the invaders very efficiently. On the other hand, free radicals move uncontrollably through the body, attacking cells, rusting their proteins, piercing their membranes and corrupting their genetic code until the cells become dysfunctional and sometimes give up and die. These fierce radicals, built into life as both protectors and avengers, are potent agents of aging. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
We tend to assume that the way to get more time is to speed up. But speeding up can actually slow us down. Anyone who has ever rushed out of the house only to realize that their keys and wallet are sitting on the kitchen table knows this only too well. And it's not just our efficiency that is reduced. The quality of the experience suffers too, as we become less aware or 'mindful.'Have you ever eaten an entire meal without tasting any of it? Hurrying up doesn't just give us less time, it can also steal the pleasure and benefit from the time that we do have. For many of us, hurrying is a way of life. Some of us enjoy the thrill that it gives us while others are driven crazy by the constant pressure and feel that their lives are speeding up to an unacceptable degree. Either way, there are almost certainly areas of our life that could be enhanced by a little go-slow behavior. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
Flipped Learning allows for a variety of learning modes. Educators often physically rearrange their learning spaces to support either group work or independent study. They create flexible spaces in which students choose when and where they learn. Furthermore, educators who flip their classes are flexible in their expectations of student timelines for learning and in their assessments of student learning. In the traditional teacher-centered model, the teacher is the primary source of information. By contrast, the Flipped Learning model shifts instruction to a learner-centered approach, where in-class time is spent exploring topics in greater depth. As a result, students are actively involved in knowledge construction as they participate in and evaluate their learning in a personally meaningful manner. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
Time spent on on-line interaction with members of one's own, preselected community leaves less time available for actual encounters with a wide variety of people. If physicists, for example, were to concentrate on exchanging email and electronic preprints with other physicists around the world working in the same specialized subject area, they would likely devote less time, and be less receptive to new ways of looking at the world. Facilitating the voluntary construction of highly homogeneous social networks of scientific communication therefore allows individuals to filter the potentially overwhelming flow of information. But the result may be the tendency to overfilter it, thus eliminating the diversity of the knowledge circulating and diminishing the frequency of radically new ideas. In this regard, even a journey through the stacks of a real library can be more fruitful than a trip through today's distributed virtual archives, because it seems difficult to use the available "search engines" to emulate efficiently the mixture of predictable and surprising discoveries that typically result from a physical shelf-search of an extensive library collection. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
Interest in extremely long periods of time sets geology and astronomy apart from other sciences. Geologists think in terms of billions of years for the age of Earth and its oldest rocks ― numbers that, like the national debt, are not easily comprehended. Nevertheless, the time scales of geological activity are important for environmental geologists because they provide a way to measure human impacts on the natural world. For example, we would like to know the rate of natural soil formation from solid rock to determine whether topsoil erosion from agriculture is too great. Likewise, understanding how climate has changed over millions of years is vital to properly assess current global warming trends. Clues to past environmental change are well preserved in many different kinds of rocks. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
It is important to note that the primary goal of the professional athlete as well as many adults — winning — is far less important to children. In one of our own studies, we found that teams' won-lost records had nothing to do with how much young athletes liked their coaches or with their desire to play for the same coaches again. Interestingly, however, success of the team was related to how much the children thought their parents liked their coaches. The children also felt that the won-lost record influenced how much their coaches liked them. It appears that, even at very young ages, children begin to tune in to the adult emphasis on winning, even though they do not yet share it themselves. What children do share is a desire to have fun! can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
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